Teen Volunteers



Please note: Our Summer Volunteer team is filled.

We will start accepting volunteer applications again September 2024.

How to Become a Volunteer

Virtual Project Guidelines and Requirements

  • Prior to writing any reviews, you must submit titles to the Teen Library, Jennifer Laseman @ jlaseman@fplct.org  
  • Be creative and use your imagination
  • Must be a thoughtful discussion of the book-not simply a reaction piece.
  • All works submitted must be original works created by the volunteer for Fairfield Public Library
  • Please note: Hours earned are subject to change at the discretion of the Teen Librarian.  Projects that do not meet the minimum requirements may have time deducted from the hours earned or may not be accepted.
  • In order to earn full credit, the book must be read for purposes of reviewing-not a book you read years ago or one read for a class assignment.  Book reviews written on such books are eligible up to 1 hour of service hour credit.
  • Submit your project to the Teen Librarian, Jennifer Laseman jlaseman@fplct.org
  • If submitting a review, please fill out and return this Review Certification Letter
  • If you need proof of volunteering, please submit your request in advance to jlaseman@fplct.org
Projects Project Description Range of Hours One May Earn (depends on quality of submission)
Reviews Write a review or make a video of a book (fiction, non-fiction, graphic novel, manga, audio) or movie the library owns either digitally or in print.

  • Volunteers must submit title of book to Teen Librarian prior to writing review
  • Must be a book you would recommend and appropriate for Teen readers.
  • Must be a book found in the print or digital YA/Teen collection.
  • Book must have been published within the past 5 years.
  • Minimum of 5 sentences or 1 minute video.
  • If material is part of a school assignment, you will only receive credit for the time spent writing your review.
  • Please no spoilers.
  • Review must be a thoughtful discussion of the book, not just your reaction.
  • Volunteer hours awarded are subject to librarian’s discretion based in-part on the quality of the review.
Watch and review a movie- up to 2 hours.

Read/ listen to book and write review- up to 4 hours. *** In order to earn 4 hours, book must be read for purposes of review writing.  Books that are not read for review writing are only eligible for up to 1 hour of writing credit.

Create-a-Trailer Pick a book or movie from the library (print or digital).  Create a video trailer that would make someone want to check it out. Up to 2 hours
Read-A-likes List or Video Pick a book or movie from the library (print or digital) that was published within the past 10 years.  Create a list or make a video recommending similar titles…If you like this, try these…  Must have at least 10 items written or 1 minute video. Up to 2 hours
Database or Digital Resource Tutorial Pick a FPL database or digital resource and create a “how to” guide for other teens.  You can write it out or create a video. Up to 2 hours
Teen Council Meetings



Attend and Participate in a Teen Council Meeting.   Please email Jennifer Laseman, jlaseman@fplct.org if interested in this opportunity.  Teen Council Members also have the chance to help with programs and additional in-person opportunities. Hourly