Teen Volunteer Guidelines


Teen volunteers must be between the ages of 12-18.  They must also complete the Virtual Volunteer Application form.  **Please note we will not be accepting more volunteers until 9/2024.

In Case of Emergency

In case of sickness or an emergency, volunteers must contact the Teen Librarian, Jennifer Laseman, via email @ jlaseman@fplct.org if they were expected to assist with a library program and can’t make it.   Failure to notify the Teen Librarian prior to the start of the program may result in suspension from the volunteer program.

Contact with FPL

All communication about volunteering at FPL will be conducted through email, so be sure to check your email frequently for updates.


Being late for assisting with library programs is not acceptable.  Being a volunteer means people are depending on you.  Please plan to arrive 5 minutes early for programs (in-person or virtual) unless otherwise communicated.

Keeping Track of Volunteer Time

Volunteers are responsible for keeping track of all services hours and dates completed.  The amount of volunteer hours that will be awarded is at the discretion of the volunteer coordinator and depends on the quality and quantity of the project completed.   All virtual projects should be submitted to jlaseman@fplct.org.  Volunteers may find a list of approved virtual projects here (hyperlink for list)


Volunteers must dress in a library appropriate manner.  Volunteers may not wear spaghetti straps, short-shorts, flip-flops, or graphic t-shirts with inappropriate messages or images.

Behavioral Expectations

In-person volunteering is scheduled in advance-there are no drop-ins. We expect all volunteers to arrive for in-person shifts motivated and ready to assist.  Your volunteer shift is not the time for doing homework, reading a book, or checking your phone.  When selecting your volunteer tasks we ask that you consider your strengths.   For instance, if you are great at engaging with children and require little prompting or guidance in assisting in crafts signing up to assist a Children’s program would be an excellent selection for you.   If you prefer talking to your peers about trends and interesting activities and giving your opinion, then the Teen Council would be a great volunteer opportunity for you.

For virtual volunteer opportunities, we expect all work turned in to be an original work created by the volunteer.  Do NOT pull reviews from Amazon and submit as your own.  For read-alike lists, you may consult other sources but the list in its entirety should not be pulled from a single source.


Proof of service forms and letters must be requested by the volunteer well in advance of due date.