Title: The Slow Waltz of Turtles
Author: Katherine Pancol
Publisher: Penguin Books, November 2016
Summary/Review: Ever since I read Yellow Eyes of a Crocodile by the French author Katherine Pancol. I have been waiting for more of her books to be translated into English. After 3 long years her sequel to Yellow Eyes has been published here and it was well worth the wait! Josephine Cortes is living in her new apartment in Paris with her youngest daughter Zoe. Her older daughter is studying in London, her best friend has moved, and her sister has been institutionalized. Oh and Josephine just may be in love with her brother-in-law. And on top of all this three women have been murdered in her new neighborhood.
What follows is a charming, funny, zany and sometimes dark story. Pancol has the ability to immerse you into her character’s lives and feelings and you will be reluctant to leave them. Here’s hoping that we will not have to wait a few years for her next translated book.
Who will like this book?: Readers who like anything French and any reader who enjoys a good story about a woman at a crossroads in her life.
If you like this, try this: Yellow Eyes of a Crocodile by Katherine Pancol, A Man Called Ove by Frederick Backman, The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George
Recommended by: Claudia, Technical Services
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