Teen Volunteers

Interested in volunteering for Fairfield Public Library?
- You must be between 12-18
- Submit an online application
- Read and understand our Teen Volunteer Guidelines
During the school year, there are two volunteer options open to teens.

Teen Council
This group is for teens age 12 and up who are interested in making sure the library is meeting the needs and wants of teens in the community. Council members are highly reliable and committed to being actively involved with the library. Members have the opportunity to get involved in any or all of the following areas:
- Help plan and promote special events for teens
- Assist at teen programs
- Help develop and prepare passive activities for the Teen room
- Suggest items to add to the library’s teen collection
- Help develop content for the library website and social media
- Help with other areas as decided by the Teen Librarian
Teen Council meets once a month.
For more details and to register for a meeting please check the event calendar.

Content Creation
Are you a big reader? Love to express your opinion? Then content creation might be the task for you. We are looking for readers to create book reviews for our blog and in-house review book, Reviews by Teens for Teens.
Here are the guidelines for creating reviews for our blog.
- Book must be found in the YA section of the library.
- Title must be submitted to the Teen Librarian, Jennifer Laseman, jlaseman@fplct.org, for approval prior to any writing
- Must be a book you would recommend to other Teens.
- Book must published for the first time within the past 5 years.
- Minimum of five sentences.
- Review must be a thoughtful discussion of the book, not just your reaction
- Please, no spoilers.
- You may not review a book that has already appeared on the Reviews by Teens for Teens blog.
- Writing must be your original thoughts and words.
Volunteers may earn up to 4 hours of volunteer credit for reading a book and writing a review
Please note-The book must be read specifically for the purposes of writing a review for Fairfield Public Library to earn the full four hours of volunteer credit. Books read prior to librarian approval or for school are only eligible for one hour of volunteer credit.
Volunteer hours awarded are subject to librarian’s discretion based, in-part on the quality of the review.