Ask a Librarian

We will provide brief, factual answers to questions submitted using the form below. You will receive a response in 1 – 2 business days. Questions submitted before a holiday or on weekends may take a little longer. Our response will be by e-mail unless otherwise requested.
Contact the adult services department:
Text askfplct to 833-232-4100 for help with quick and simple questions that can be answered with a brief response.
Email us at with more involved questions, or consider calling the Adult Services department at (203) 256-3160 or (203) 255-7308.
Fill out the form below with your question and preferred contact method. For questions regarding your library account, please include your name and card number.
Questions are answered in the order they are received. We will attempt to answer your question via text, although we may ask you to email us if your question requires a more detailed response. The library will not send you text messages unless it has been initiated by you. Please be advised that information transmitted via text are not protected or encrypted and the library cannot guarantee the privacy of information communicated online.
Please note: message and data rates may apply by your cellular or internet provider. Please review your cellular contract terms related to receiving and sending text messages. The library is not responsible for any data charges that may result from using this service.