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Homebound Library Services

If you are temporarily or permanently homebound due to disability, health problems, lack of transportation, or other reasons, we’ll deliver books to you. Free!

What is it?

The homebound service lets you or someone you know enjoy the library’s collections without having to visit the library building. This free service is open to Fairfield residents who are temporarily (for at least one month) or permanently homebound due to disability, health problems, lack of transportation, or other reasons. Delivery will be provided by library volunteers.

Who can participate?

Any Fairfield resident who is homebound for a variety of reasons. Do you know someone who might benefit from this service?

What may I borrow?

Any of our print and audio materials that circulate: books, magazines, music CDs and audio books can be borrowed through the homebound service.

How frequent are deliveries? How long may I have them?

Library materials are delivered once a month by volunteers. At this time your old materials will be picked up and returned as well.

Can I reserve material?

You can make a request or reserve an item by phone or online. You will be added to the waiting list and receive your item when a copy becomes available.

Are there any fines or fees?

There are no fines and no charges for this service.

Have questions? Want to sign up?

Contact our Homebound Services Coordinator Jessica Stevens at 203.254.5108 or fill out this form below. She will get in touch with you to determine your reading/listening preferences.


How would you prefer that we contact you?