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Saturday, February 8, 2025:
Laughs at the Library will still be happening tonight. Please arrive early as the show starts promptly at 7pm

Sunday, February 9, 2025:
Main Library and Fairfield Woods Branch Library will be closed due to inclement weather.

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Career ConneCT – Career ConneCT provides you with free training for high-demand careers. Earn the skills you need for a job in 4 to 24 weeks, work with a career coach, and get connected to employers that are ready to hire!

CT Readers – Goodreads’ readers list of book suggestions set in the state of Connecticut. – Search and browse the complete works of over 50,000 bestselling fiction authors, with all the latest books and series listed in order.

GoodReads – The world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Their mission is to help people find and share books they love.  It’s social networking for people who love to read.

Google Books – Search and preview millions of books from libraries and publishers worldwide using Google Book Search. Discover a new favorite or unearth an old classic.

International Reading Association – The International Reading Association collects and publishes booklists to help young people find books they will enjoy reading. On this web site, see the lists from Children’s Choices, Teachers’ Choices and Young Adults’ Choices. Titles are submitted by young adults, teachers and librarians from around the United States.

Library Thing – A cataloging and social networking site for book lovers.  LibraryThing helps you create a library-quality catalog of books: books you own, books you’ve read, books you’d like to read, books you’ve lent out … whatever grouping you’d like.

Mystery Books That Take Place in Connecticut – From The Cozy Mystery List Blog comes a list of mystery authors and their series’ titles that take place in the state of Connecticut.

The National Book Foundation – The National Book Foundation presents the National Book Awards. Take a look at past National Book Award winners, book trivia, book lists, and much more on the organization’s website.

Open Library – The Internet Archive and Open Library offers over 6,000,000 fully accessible, public domain eBooks. This includes a special modern collection of over 500,000 eBooks for users with print disabilities, and a very interesting curated, modern collection for the world at large. You can browse, read and borrow fascinating contemporary materials.

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Bigcharts – BigCharts is an investment research website that provides access to research tools like interactive charts, quotes, news, industry analysis, and intraday stock screeners. BigCharts also has an historical quotes feature for researching stock prices from previous years.

The Business Council of Fairfield County – The Business Council works to secure public policies that meet Fairfield County’s economic interests and needs; build business and media knowledge of the regional economy; support innovation and entrepreneurship in order to accelerate business growth and job creation; modernize and expand our physical infrastructure; develop, nurture and retain a diverse talent pool; and provide members with business, professional and personal development opportunities.

Fairfield Chamber of Commerce – building relationships, building business. Fairfield, CT

Fairfield Office of Community & Economic Development – provides assistance and support to prospective and existing businesses and helps qualifying home buyers and home owners

County Business Patterns – An annual series of economic information for each state and a U.S. summary which covers agricultural  services, forestry, mining, construction, manufacturing, transportation, wholesale and retail trade, finance, insurance, and real estate and services.

Doing Business Within the State ( – Included is information on State Procurement, Small and Minority-Owned Business Procurement Opportunities, Legislative Branch Procurement Opportunities, Judicial Branch Procurement Opportunities, and State Surplus Auctions.

SEC Public Company Filings (EDGAR database)- The Securities Exchange Commission provides free access to filings of publicly-held corporations.

SCORE Fairfield County – Provides free and confidential business counseling tailored to meet the needs of your small business and your personal objectives. Greater Bridgeport SCORE also offers no-fee workshops, for both start-up entrepreneurs and in-business small business owners. SCORE volunteers are real-world professionals with time-tested knowledge who donate thousands of hours to help small businesses succeed. Counselors are experts in such areas as accounting, finance, marketing, management and business plan preparation.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: Information on Small Businesses – Provides shortcuts to information for smaller companies on their legal obligations when they sell securities, and on their financial and other reporting obligations when their securities are publicly traded.

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Best Colleges – Regularly updated collection of college rankings will keep you informed about what schools across the country have to offer in terms of top-rated academics and student lifestyle. From degree programs to campus amenities, they do the research on what matters.

Colleges, College Scholarships and Financial Aid – This page has been designed for college-bound students, parents and counselors, providing easy access to SAT test prep tips, free college scholarship and financial aid searches, and much more.

College Degrees Online– In this resource you will find online degree programs in the United States, sourced by data from the US Department of Education, NCES, every accrediting board in the US, and the US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. There is information available for over 2,400 different colleges with online degrees at different levels.

College Navigator –  From the National Center for Educational Statistics. Gather lists of potential colleges, selected by many parameters, and export the list to Excel.

College and University Rankings – The Education and Social Science Library at the University of Illinois states that the purpose of this rankings site is to “provide context” to the many online sources that rank colleges, with criteria ranging from the academic to the spiritual (e.g.  most wired, disability friendly, and colleges that encourage character development).   You’ll also find news articles discussing some college ranking methods.

The Common Application – Apply to over 600 schools through one application.

FAFSA On the Web – This government-sponsored website allows students to fill out a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) online.  FAFSA on the Web automatically edits applicants’ answers before transmitting, resulting in fewer applications rejected.  Also, because of a feature called  “skip logic,” the application will be prompted to ask only the questions that the individual student needs to answer.

FastWeb – This free web site offers an easy way to gather information about college scholarships.  The backgrounds of registered users are matched with eligibility requirements for scholarships from around the country.  In addition, Fastweb has a directory of over 4,000 schools with information on financial aid and admissions.

FinAid! – The Smart Student Guide to Financial Aid – Here is an award-winning site that has grown into one of the most comprehensive annotated collections of information about student financial aid on the web. FinAid®’s custom calculators can help you figure out how much school will cost, how much you need to save, and how much aid you’ll need.

Free Textbooks – From Open Culture 200 Free Textbooks: A Meta Collection.

FTC’s Choosing a College – The Federal Trade Commission says getting the answers to eight key questions can help you avoid pitfalls as you pick the college that’s right for you.

Occupational Outlook Handbook – A publication of the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics that includes information about the nature of work, working conditions, training and education, earnings, and job outlook for hundreds of different occupations. The Handbook is released biennially with its companion publication the Career Guide to Industries.– is a comprehensive psychology degree guide. The site contains information about over 3,100 different psychology degrees and 1,700 different universities that have an accredited psychology degree program offering.

Student Loan Guide – From Consumer Affairs (Consumers Unified, LLC), an introduction to a variety of private student lenders. Selecting a lender is an important choice. There are many differences between lenders, including rates and terms so it’s important to research the available lenders before funding a college education.

U.S. News and World Report’s Best Colleges and Graduate Schools – The famous annual rankings of the ‘best’ educational institutions and programs in the U.S is available online.  Search for colleges and graduate schools by name, or fill out the interactive worksheet to find schools by location, cost, size, academic programs, etc. Other categories include financial aid, best values, and hot job tracks.

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City of Bridgeport Budget – Operating Budget broken down by departments.

Connecticut Fairs – Summer and Autumn are a great time to attend a Connecticut fair. The Association of Connecticut Fairs has provided a complete list of upcoming fairs along with hours, admission information, and driving directions!

Connecticut Housing Search – Funded by the Department of Economic and Community Development, this site is a free place to list and find accessible, affordable & market-rate rental housing in Connecticut.

Connecticut Network – The Connecticut Network is a partnership of CPTV, Connecticut Public Affairs Network, Connecticut Community Colleges, and the New England Cable Television Association. These organizations have joined forces to provide “unedited and unbiased” coverage of all three branches of Connecticut’s government through television and the Internet. Watch press conferences or live coverage of the state senate in session.

Connecticut State Register and Manual – Browse the contents of the State Register and Manual. In addition to historic information and U.S. Government information, the Register & Manual provides an annual snapshot of Connecticut state and local government.

Connecticut’s History – Developed by the Connecticut Humanities Council, this website is a great place for anyone interested in learning more about programs and resources involving the cultural heritage of Connecticut.  There’s a lot of history here just waiting to be discovered.

CT Bites – A web-based community built by and for people who love food in Connecticut.  Eating in or eating out.

CT NOFA – A growing community of farmers, gardeners, land-care professionals, and consumers that encourages a healthy relationship to the natural world. See lists of Farmer’s Markets, CSAs, and Community Farms.

State Health Facts Online – See how Connecticut compares to other states in many issues surrounding healthcare. The Kaiser Family Foundation’s web site includes information for all fifty states.

State of Connecticut – The official website of Connecticut is filled with facts about the state.  If you’re looking for information about the branches of Connecticut government, agencies and organizations, licenses and permits, tourism, commerce, or education, this is the place to search.

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CNET Reviews – CNET has a team of reviewers who dedicate themselves to finding the “hottest” tech products and gadgets on the market. CNET claims that their lab testing and their hands-on use will provide trusted and unbiased reviews. If you are shopping for anything from a television to a cell phone or MP3 player, be sure to check this site.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – Their mission is to make markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans — whether they are applying for a mortgage, choosing among credit cards, or using any number of other consumer financial products.  – Resources for managing your money, credit, loans, and debt, scams and identity theft, and resources to help immigrant communities.

Consumer Safety – Consumer information, recalls, and new stories on drugs, medical devices, food, products, and health.

National Do Not Call Registry – The Federal Trade Commission created this site to allow consumers to remove their phone numbers from telemarketers’ lists. Note: registering at this site will not prevent non-profit organizations from placing calls to consumers.  The National Do Not Call Registry gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls at home. Most telemarketers should not call your number once it has been on the registry for 31 days. If they do, you can file a complaint at this Website. You can register your home or mobile phone for free.

Federal Trade Commission – The FTC is a bipartisan federal agency with a unique dual mission to protect consumers and promote competition. For one hundred years, our collegial and consensus-driven agency has championed the interests of American consumers. As we begin our second century, the FTC is dedicated to advancing consumer interests while encouraging innovation and competition in our dynamic economy.

ID Theft – The Federal Trade Commission maintains this site, and populates it regularly law with enforcement updates, and links to other sites that offer information about identity theft. This site also describes the various ways that identity thieves work, along with consumer alerts, and how to file a complaint.

Free Credit Reports – Beginning September 1, 2005, free credit reports are now accessible to all Americans. Nationwide consumer reporting companies are now required to provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months. This site provides the details for getting your credit report from either the web link, the telephone number, or the mailing address of the Annual Credit Report Request Service. – In order to provide better service in alerting the public to unsafe or defective products, six federal agencies with different jurisdictions have joined together to create this website, which they call a “one stop shop” for U.S. Government recalls.

US Government Publications – For over 35 years, the Federal Citizen Information Center (FCIC) has been a trusted source for consumer information. This web site categorizes consumer issues into subjects ranging from “Cars” to “Travel.” While many of the print publications can be ordered for little or no cost, most are available to read online for free!

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American Red Cross Disaster Preparedness – More than 200 million people are affected by disasters each year. Protect yourself, your family and your community and our world by taking steps to be prepared.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – This very informative website from The Centers for Disease Control’s Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response covers such topics as smallpox, anthrax and radiation emergencies.

Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection – The Mission of the Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security is to direct and coordinate all available resources to protect the life and property of the citizens of Connecticut in the event of a disaster or crisis, through a collaborative program of prevention, planning, preparedness, response, recovery, and public education.

Connecticut Guide to Emergency Preparedness – What to do, planning for people with functional needs, what to write down, what to do if an emergency happens – natural, biological, chemical, nuclear, radiological, pandemic flu, drinking water emergencies and power outages.

Country Reports on Terrorism – From the United States Department of State: Diplomacy in Action.

National Disaster Medical System – This is the official home page of the National Disaster Medical System, a section of the Department of Homeland Security. They are responsibile for managing and coordinating Federal medical, and health-related social services and recovery to major emergencies and Federally declared disasters. – From the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the primary goal of this website is to educate the public, on a continuing basis, about how to be prepared in case of a national emergency – including a possible terrorist attack.

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Fairfield Public Library Careers Page – See our full listing of job assistance on our careers page.

The Workplace: Platform to Employment – Platform to Employment creates a pathway to opportunity for job seekers by helping the unemployed get back to work.

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Common Sense Media – Offers developmentally age-appropriate, reliable information so you can decide what’s best for your family. Tips on everything digital – plus reviews of 20,000+ movies, games, websites, apps, and more.

Fairfield After Dark – The area’s first website dedicated to informing Fairfield County residents of all the best in dining, nightlife & entertainment.

Fairfield Theatre Company (FTC) – A nonprofit center for the arts and culture located in the heart of downtown Fairfield, Connecticut. They bring together a community of musicians, actors, artists, writers, fans, and supporters who are dedicated to the simple premise that the broadest spectrum of live entertainment and cultural exchange is essential to the vitality of our society.

Fandango – Find tickets, movies, movie times, and movie news locally, regionally, and nationally.

Internet Movie Database – Roger Ebert named IMDb the best movie site on the Web, and it is indeed a great site.  Here you’ll find the answer to virtually any questions you may have about movies and television.  There are reviews, release dates, plot summaries, and bios on actors, all combined with great searching flexibility.

Playbill Online – Owned and operate by Playbill, Inc., this site is a gateway to the world of theatre where the theatre buff can buy tickets to shows on Broadway or in London, read the latest news of the theatre world, see seating charts, and find the best restaurants in the Broadway area for pre-theatre dinners.

School Theatre Ticket Program – Broadway, Off-Broadway, Museum, Dance and group sales.

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DEP. What do I do with…..? – From the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, information about the proper disposal or recycling of an array of items from A – W; including hazardous materials.

Global Climate Change – NASA’s site on global climate change. Vital signs of the planet.

National Academy of Sciences: What You Need to Know – “What You Need to Know About…” is a series of informational booklets and websites designed to engage readers in current topics in science, engineering, and medicine. These materials provide accurate information about complex issues that affect us as individuals and as a nation. Sound knowledge about such issues is critical if citizens are to evaluate debates and make informed decisions in our increasingly technological world.

National Library of Medicine- Resources You Can Use: Climate Change and Extreme Heat- Resources exploring the health affects of climate change, how climate change is related to extreme heat, nd how to prepare for extreme heat.

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Activities for ESL Students – Quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles to help you learn English as a Second Language (ESL). This project of The Internet TESL Journal ( has thousands of contributions by many teachers.

BBC Learning English – General & Business English, grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation, talking sport, quizzes, flatmates, and community.

Dave’s ESL Cafe – Dave Sperling’s Internet meeting place for ESL and EFL teachers and students from around the world.

Flash Quizzes for English Study – Activities for ESL Students has thousands of activities to help you study English as a Second Language. This project of The Internet TESL Journal has contributions by many teachers.

Google Translate – Paste a word, sentence or chunk of text into the translator.

Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) – Purdue University offers free ESL materials through its Online Writing Lab.  These materials include many handouts and exercises, as well as links to other Internet resources for the ESL student or teacher.  The grammar section alone has more than 60 handouts and exercises.

Using English – A large collection of English as a Second Language (ESL) tools & resources for students, teachers, learners and academics, covering the full spectrum of ESL, EFL, ESOL, and EAP subject areas.

Voice of America: Learning English: We are American English – Levels 1 & 2, audio, video, and practice sections.

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Connecticut 2-1-1 – Your one-stop connection to the local services you need, from utility assistance, food, housing, child care, after school programs, elder care, crisis intervention and much more. Dial 2-1-1 or search online.

CT Bites – A web-based community built by and for people who love food in Connecticut.

CT NOFA – A growing community of farmers, gardeners, land care professionals, and consumers that encourages a healthy relationship to the natural world.

Fairfield After Dark – When Fairfield County residents search for live music, happy hour or holiday event information online they find

Fairfield Museum and History Center – Explore the current exhibits at the museum, read the highlights of Fairfield’s history, or review research tips for a visit to the Museum’s library. The Fairfield Museum and History Center is a great place to learn.

Fairfield Patch – A community-specific news, information and engagement platform driven by passionate and experienced new media professionals. Patch is revolutionizing the way neighbors connect with each other, their communities, and the national conversation.

Town of Fairfield – The Town of Fairfield maintains an informative website to help you stay abreast of town business, programs, and the news of the Fairfield.

Town of Fairfield Video Library – The Department of Community & Economic Development created a video library intended to highlight what makes Fairfield such a great place to live, work, play and learn.

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Ancient Faces – Ancient Faces, the sponsor of this fantastic website, “wants to help bring faces to the names of our ancestors by adding photos to genealogy.” They’ve provided an exchange where the owners of old photos can share them for free so that people researching their family trees can actually see their ancestors. You can search for photos of your relatives by keyword, name, date, or location.

Cyndi’s List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet – What began as a project for a local genealogical society has grown into an index of 50,000+ web sites. Cyndi’s List offers a categorized & cross-referenced index of genealogical sources on the Internet.  Included in the List are sites that allow you to perform a surname search, sites that are gateways to genealogical information in other countries, and the ability to post queries.

Ellis Island Home Page – The American Family Immigration History Center at Ellis Island has undertaken the ambitious project of gathering information on the 17 million people who came to New York from 1892-1924.  Immigrant arrival records are being digitized and entered into a searchable database.   Take a look at the Immigration Museum and the American Immigrant Wall of Honor from this website.

Family Search – You can search for free through the Mormon Church’s International Genealogical Index, an extensive database of births, christenings, marriages, and deaths from all over the world. In the Ancestral File, you might get lucky finding a branch of your family in the family trees contributed by researchers.

Family Tree Maker – This is the home page for the most popular genealogy software that also includes access to the World Family Tree project database of 98 million names, helpful how-to articles, news of electronic research sources, and family name forums.

GenForum – GenForum is intended to provide users a forum to provide genealogical information or to discuss topics related to genealogy and other related issues of interest. At this website, you can search the online forums by surname, region (including foreign countries), and specific topics like adoption and family reunions.

National Archives and Records Administration – Since genealogists are the most frequent users of its facilities, the Genealogy Page of the National Archives and Records Administration has been designed to help the family tree researcher by providing access to many guides and research tools as preparation for a visit to one of the 13 regional facilites or for requesting records from the NARA.

Public Record Center – Search billions of public records through tens of thousands of government and public record links organized by subject, county, state, or country. Best of all, it’s free!

The USGenWeb Project – The USGenWeb Project is a group of volunteers working to provide Internet websites for genealogical research in every county in the U.S. This website provides you with links to all the state websites which, in turn, provide gateways to the counties.

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State and Local Government on the Net – A directory of official state, county, and city government websites, this site is searchable by both state or by many topics including Tourism, the Arts, or State Military and Veteran’s Sites. – One-stop access to all online U.S. Federal Government resources. Allows users to browse everything from researching at the Library of Congress to tracking a NASA mission. It also enables users to apply for student loans, track Social Security benefits, and compare Medicare options.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service – From the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website, access forms and information to obtain a Green Card or apply for Naturalization. At the bottom are helpful links for “How do I” fact sheets, “Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants,” and “Quick Civics Lessons”

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American Medical Association – For medical professionals and health care consumers alike, this site has many interesting features, including a medical reference library.  Of special interest is a feature called ‘Doctor Finder’, which allows you to search for doctors by name or medical specialty.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – CDC conducts critical science and provides health information that protects our nation.

Choose My Plate – The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP), an organization of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was established in 1994 to improve the nutrition and well-being of Americans. Toward this goal, the Center focuses its efforts on two primary objectives: Advance and promote dietary guidance for all Americans, and conduct applied research and analyses in nutrition and consumer economics.

CRIS – The Connecticut Radio Information System (CRIS), is Connecticut’s only radio reading service. CRIS broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from regional satellite studios in Connecticut.

Disability Resource Network– A nonprofit organization established to help bring information to people with disabilities, has established a website to guide people to disability resources on the Internet. Use the site’s regional resource directory to search for agencies in Connecticut, or search by topics such as caregiving, mood disorders, and adopting children with disabilities.

Drugs@FDA – A catalog of prescription and over-the-counter drugs that have been “approved or tentatively approved” by the Food and Drug Administration. Search by drug name, active ingredient or browse a list of drugs. – The largest, most widely visited, independent medicine information website available on the Internet. Our aim is to be the Internet’s most trusted resource for drug and related health information.

Healthnet: Connecticut Consumer Health Information Network – Located at the University of Connecticut Health Center Library in Farmington, Healthnet has been helping Connecticut residents find consumer health information through their local public libraries since 1985. Their website includes “Internet Resources,” a directory of links to some of the most important health sites on the Internet.

Hospital Compare ( – Has information about the quality of care at over 4,000  Medicare-certified hospitals across the country. You can use Hospital Compare to find hospitals and compare the quality of their care. – features doctor-reviewed advice on hundreds of physical, emotional, and behavioral topics from before birth through the teen years, separate sections for parents, kids, and teens, each created with your questions in mind, easy-to-follow articles, slideshows, videos, and health tools designed to help families learn, grow, and be their best, and free lesson plans and programs for teachers and early childhood educators.

Medline Plus – The National Institutes of Health’s website for patients and their families and friends. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, it brings you information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand.

Merck Manual – First published in 1899 as a small reference book for physicians and pharmacists,  the Manual grew in size and scope to become one of the most widely used comprehensive medical resources for professionals and consumers.

National Library of Medicine – The website of the world’s largest medical library and the creator of MEDLINE allows access to more than 10 million journal article references and abstracts dating back to the 1960s.  Answer health questions, learn about clinical research studies, and search the directory of health organizations. – The website provides information about nutrition and physical activity produced by the federal government.  It’s a wonderful resource for nutrition issues, such as dietary guidelines for children and adults.  You can also read up on the latest information about the food-borne illnesses that are so prevalent in recent news headlines.

Rare Diseases – This comprehensive web site was developed by NORD, the National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc.   NORD is a “unique federation” of non-profit health organizations that service those who are affected by rare diseases and disorders.   Search the rare disease database for information on more than 1100 diseases – or browse the organizational database of more than 3000 helpful organizations. – Sponsored by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, this website provides detailed descriptions of at least 650 different prescription and non-prescription medications.  They discuss how medications should be used, side effects and adverse drug reactions, storage instructions, and what to do if a dose is missed.

Women’s Health – The National Women’s Health Information Center has created this web site to provide reliable health information for women everywhere. Subscribe to the free electronic newsletter, or search the database for information on specific health issues.

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American Memory (Library of Congress) – Provides free and open access through the Internet to written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps, and sheet music that document the American experience. It is a digital record of American history and creativity.

American Presidency Project – The Public Papers of the Presidents contain most of the Presidents’ public messages, statements, speeches, Inaugural Addresses and news conference remarks. Documents such as Proclamations, Executive Orders, and similar documents that are published in the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations.

CIA – The CIA releases millions of pages of documents each year and frequently releases items of public interest on this website. The Library contains a wealth of information, from unclassified current publications to basic references, reports and maps.

FBI’s Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room – Since the Freedom of Information Act in 1966, many of the FBI’s most sensitive and engaging files have been declassified and opened to the public. Some of the categories on the site include Espionage,  Gangster Era, Historical Interest and Unusual Phenomena.  Read reports about both the famous and infamous, including  John Lennon, Frank Sinatra, Lucille Ball, Albert Einstein and Adolf Hitler.

Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies – The Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies at Yale University currently holds more than 4,100 testimonies of individuals who experienced the Holocaust – survivors, those in hiding, resistors, liberators.  The project began in 1979, and the resources have been available to the public since 1982.  View excerpts from these testimonies here at the Archive’s website, or connect to the Archive’s online catalogs.

Making of America – Begun in 1995, the Making of America collection consists of digitized books and journal articles published between 1850 and 1877. It is a virtual treasure trove for researchers, students and historians interested in antebellum America, especially those who are looking for primary sources.

NARA American Originals – This online exhibit from the National Archives and Records administration includes “a selection of some of the most significant and compelling documents from the National Archives holdings.”  Take a look at the full text of the Louisiana Purchase agreements, the police report on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the report of the collision of the Titanic.

USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education houses nearly 55,000 audio-visual testimonies conducted in 65 countries and in 43 languages. Steven Spielberg founded the Institute in 1994 to videotape and preserve interviews with survivors and other witnesses of the Holocaust. Their mission is to develop empathy, understanding, and respect through testimony.

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EasyBib – An intuitive information literacy platform that provides citation, note taking, and research tools that are easy-to-use and educational. EasyBib is not only accurate, fast, and comprehensive, but helps educators teach and students learn how to become effective and organized researchers.

Free Textbooks – From Open Culture 200 Free Textbooks: A Meta Collection.

Khan Academy – A not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education for anyone anywhere. All of the site’s resources are available to anyone. It doesn’t matter if you are a student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien just trying to get a leg up in earthly biology. Khan Academy’s materials and resources are available to you completely free of charge.

Purdue Owl – The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instruction.

Slate Citation Machine – What a wonderful resource for students and writers everywhere! Citing sources can be tricky, especially electronic resources. This website allows you to plug in the citation information (author, title, journal, etc.), and then arranges the info in either the correct MLA or APA format.

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INTEREST RATES – Gathered from more than 2500 financial institutions throughout the country, informs consumers by providing access to financial data – mortgages, credit cards, auto loans, money market accounts and credit unions are all included in this convenient web site.

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Electronic Frontier Foundation – The leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world. Founded in 1990, EFF champions user privacy, free expression, and innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development. We work to ensure that rights and freedoms are enhanced and protected as our use of technology grows.

Internet Archive – A non-profit that was founded to build an Internet library. Its purposes include offering permanent access for researchers, historians, scholars, people with disabilities, and the general public to historical collections that exist in digital format. Now the Internet Archive includes: texts, audio, moving images, and software as well as archived web pages in our collections, and provides specialized services for adaptive reading and information access for the blind and other persons with disabilities.

Internet Crime Complaint Center – The Internet Crime Complaint Center is the result of a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. Learn what steps to take if you’ve been the victim of Internet fraud, and file a complaint online.

Learn to Code with Me – Learn how to code by taking advantage of free resources. This website provides access to 76 of the best websites to learn how to code for free-from simple programming tutorials to full online coding courses.

Tech Life Unity – A free educational website that teaches older adults and other inexperienced Internet users with basic computer skills about websites that can help improve their quality of life.

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Connecticut Attorney General’s Office – This information has been prepared by the Attorney General’s Office and is intended to inform Connecticut residents.

Connecticut Judicial Branch Law Libraries – This site has useful links for case look-up (both Small Claims and Civil/Family), Research Guides for many different issues, such as adoption and medical malpractice, Court Forms, and even “Ask a Librarian!” They also have a section specifically on Information and Services for Public Librarians.

Find a Lawyer – The Connecticut Judicial Branch Law Libraries can also assist residents in finding a local attorney who can provide low cost half-hour consultations.

FindLaw – Focused on law and government, this directory makes finding any kind of legal information on the Internet easier – case law, federal and state codes, regulations, lawyers, legal news, government agencies, etc.

ImmigrationHelp – Founded at Harvard University to help low-income immigrants prepare their immigration forms online for free. They provide pro bono help with work permits, DACA, and citizenship applications.

Law Library Quick Information Cards – With active links to Federal and Connecticut case law, administrative decisions, statutes and regulations, court rules and procedure, and more. These legal resources allows individuals to find information about the law or about representing themselves in court.  This free service from Martindale-Hubbell claims to offer the most comprehensive database in the country.  It allows you to search for firms or individual lawyers using factors like geographical location, area of practice, and language requirement.  You may also post a question in the “Ask a Lawyer” forum or search through past questions which are archived by topic.

Martindale-Hubbell – For over 100 years, lawyers have relied on Martindale-Hubbell as the authoritative guide to the American legal profession. The database is regarded as a primary research source for information about attorneys and law firms around the world. Use their “Lawyer Locator” to find lawyers in specialized fields in any state in the U.S.

Nolo – To help consumers and small businesses find answers to their everyday legal and business questions, try Nolo for legal information targeted at non-attorneys. Nolo also publishes books on a wide variety of legal topics that are also aimed at people without legal training.

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GCF Learn Free – The freedom to learn what you want, when you want, absolutely free! Check out Everyday Life, Basic Math, and Computer Training today.

Learn to Code with Me – Learn how to code by taking advantage of free resources. This website provides access to 76 of the best websites to learn how to code for free-from simple programming tutorials to full online coding courses.

Tech Life Unity – A free educational website that teaches older adults and other inexperienced Internet users with basic computer skills about websites that can help improve their quality of life.

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Authors On the Web – This website from has lots of information about well-known authors – even what they are reading for the summer! Sit in on Author Round Tables, or check out your favorite author’s bio.

Free Book Notes – Nothing takes the place of reading a good book, but if you seek a greater understanding or just need a little help understanding your book, this is a good place to start. With a database of over 2500 book notes, you will find free book summaries, literature notes, and study guides from the major study guide sites.

Goodreads – Meet your next favorite book. Discover and share books you love on Goodreads, the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations! Social networking for people who love to read

Historical Novel Society – Founded in 1997, the Historical Novel Society is a community of historical fiction lovers. Their members include established and yet to be published authors, readers, and publishers. Opening the door to historical fiction, the Historical Novel Society is
here for readers, writers, and enthusiasts who enjoy connecting with the past.

LibraryThing – An online service to help people catalog their books easily. You can access your catalog from anywhere—even on your mobile phone. Because everyone catalogs together, LibraryThing also connects people with the same books, comes up with suggestions for what to read next, and so forth.

Online Literature Library –  Find the full and unabridged texts of classic works of English literature.

Reading Group Guides – Featuring over 1400 reading group guides (searchable by author, title, and by over 30 subjects, including Historical Fiction, Bestsellers and Books into Movies) and book recommendations, this site will be of interest to all readers!

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Map Collections – Library of Congress.

Maps of Connecticut: Department of Economic and Community Development – The road maps are created from the original 24″x 36″ State of Connecticut DOT road map. The road maps are saved at 300 dpi and will print on a color printer. To  print smaller sections of the state use the county road maps. The outline maps are composed of white background / black outline with town names included.

Town of Fairfield Maps – Whether you’re navigating to a specific location, searching for aerial views of a property, or just generally interested in obtaining a visual overview of the Town, the following maps provide a variety of ways to view the streets and properties in Fairfield.

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211 – 2-1-1 is a program of the United Way of Connecticut and is supported by the State of Connecticut and Connecticut United Ways. 2-1-1 is your one-stop connection to the local services you need, from utility assistance, food, housing, child care, after school programs, elder care, crisis intervention and much more. 2-1-1 is always ready to assist you find the help you need. Dial 2-1-1 or search online. If you are outside of Connecticut or have a problem using the 2-1-1-number, dial 1-800-203-1234.

The Hub – The Hub is the state-designated Regional Behavioral Health Action Organization (RBHAO) serving Southwestern Connecticut—the 14 communities from Greenwich to Stratford. Our role is to serve as a strategic partner and resource for the region, supporting and coordinating initiatives related to mental health, suicide, substance misuse, and problem gambling, and liaising between the region and the state.

NAMI – (National Alliance on Mental Illness) NAMI Connecticut provides support, education and advocacy for Connecticut’s citizens affected by mental illness.

NIMH – (National Institute of Mental Health) NIMH is the lead federal agency for research on mental disorders.Their mission is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery, and cure.

Network of Care – The Network of Care for Mental/Behavioral Health is an online information portal for individuals, families and social service agencies concerned with community mental health services, substance use treatment programs and help for people with developmental disabilities. This online community provides critical information, communication and advocacy tools with a single point of entry for those seeking access to social services.

Resources to Recover: A Website for Families – Resources to Recover offers families affected by mental illness guidance, support and information on the best practices and providers in recovery-oriented mental health care. Resources to Recover promotes positive lifetime outcomes for people living with mental health disorders by building on the natural strengths and expertise of families.

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Connecticut Audubon Society – Mission is to conserve Connecticut’s environment through science-based education and advocacy focused on the state’s bird populations and their habitats.

Connecticut Nature – Connecticut is rich with places to enjoy and learn from the outdoors, including Audubon centers, science and nature centers, aquariums, observatories, and arboretums. Highlights of places where visitors, children, and families can enjoy forests, plant and bird life, and sea life include the Connecticut Audubon Society Birdcraft Museum in Fairfield, Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale University, Bull’s Covered Bridge River Walk in Kent, Science Center of Eastern Connecticut in New London, and the Dinosaur Place in Montville. Natural Resources – Connecticut is a state rich with natural resources and a great diversity of habitat, landscapes, plant life, and wildlife.  From the coastline of Long Island Sound, to the Litchfield Hills, the Connecticut River Valley and the Eastern Highlands, DEEP works to protect and preserve the natural resources and scenic beauty that make Connecticut a special place to live, work, or visit.

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Bookshare – Bookshare makes reading easier. People with dyslexia, blindness, cerebral palsy, and other reading barriers can customize their experience to suit their learning style and find virtually any book they need for school, work, or the joy of reading.

CT.GOV – The State of Connecticut’s official website, CT.GOV contains information about disability services offered through a number of agencies and departments in Connecticut.

HHS.GOV – The U.S Department of Health and Human Services has multiple agencies which provide programs that improve the well-being of people with disabilities. Learn more about programs for people with disabilities and locate resources.

National Council on Disability – The National Council on Disability (NCD) is an independent federal agency that provides advice and recommendations to the President, Congress, and executive branch agencies. NCD does not provide direct legal or advocacy services to people with disabilities.

Town of Fairfield Commission on disAbilities   Fairfield provides many services and programs for people with disabilities including accessible voting, senior and disabled housing services, train station parking, tax services, and transportation services.

USA.GOV – Learn how government programs and services can help with daily life. This site contains information on housing, jobs, transportation, healthcare, education, etc.

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AARP Retirement Planning – AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, with a membership of more than 37 million, that helps people turn their goals and dreams into real possibilities, strengthens communities and fights for the issues that matter most to families such as healthcare, employment security and retirement planning.

Credit Freezes – If you’re concerned about identity theft, data breaches, or someone gaining access to your credit report without your permission, you might consider placing a credit freeze on your report.

Credit Karma – Credit Karma offers free credit monitoring with access to your credit scores and reports from TransUnion and Equifax. They provide credit alerts, if anything important changes on your TransUnion credit report that can help you spot identity theft. They feature financial calculators, educational articles, as well as thousands of member reviews on credit cards, loans, and more to help you make a more informed decision.

Credit Reports and Scores – Credit reporting agencies (CRAs) collect and maintain information for your credit reports. Each CRA manages its own records and might not have information about all your accounts. Even though there are differences between their reports, no agency is more important than the others. The CRAs are: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Consumer Information – The FTC works to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices in the marketplace and to provide information to help consumers spot, stop and avoid them.

FICO Scores – The Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) calculates consumer credit scores used by financial institutions for assessing borrowers’ creditworthiness. This site charges a fee for it’s service.

FINRA – FINRA is dedicated to investor protection and market integrity through effective and efficient regulation of the securities industry. FINRA is an independent, not-for-profit organization authorized by Congress to protect America’s investors by making sure the securities industry operates fairly and honestly.

Kiplinger – A Washington, D.C.-based publisher of business forecasts and personal finance advice, available in print, online, audio, video and software products. – U.S. government information on the basics of financial education for Americans.

NerdWallet – NerdWallet is a free tool to find you the best credit cards, cd rates, savings, checking accounts, scholarships, healthcare and airlines

Roth IRA Web Site – If you’re looking for the latest news articles, laws, or technical and planning information on Roth IRA’s, this is the website for you. Both practitioners and consumers will enjoy the detail and depth of this Roth IRA home page.

Savings Bonds – On the website of the Bureau of Public Debt, you’ll find a wealth of information about savings bonds, including the “Savings Bond Wizard,” which can help you keep track of your own bonds.  Learn about buying bonds, T-bills and notes, read about upcoming auctions, or monitor the public debt with the Bureau’s monthly statement.

Smart About Money – One of the many programs of the National Endowment for Financial Education®. NEFE® is an independent, nonprofit foundation committed to educating Americans on a broad range of financial topics and empowering them to make positive and sound decisions to reach their financial goals.

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Connecticut Humane Society – The leading resource in the state for companion animal welfare, enriching the lives of families and communities through adoption services, medical care, education, and prevention of cruelty to animals.

Dog Friendly Vacations in Connecticut – 199 dog-friendly cities in Connecticut. Get the scoop on the best pet-friendly hotels, dog parks, beaches, outdoor restaurants and other places to bring Fido in each city.

Petfinder – An online, searchable database of animals who need homes. It is also a directory of nearly 14,000 animal shelters and adoption organizations across the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Organizations maintain their own home pages and available-pet databases.

Pet Friendly Hotels in CT – Information on all of the pet friendly hotels, bed & breakfasts, vacation rentals, campgrounds, and long-term apartments in Connecticut.

Pets on Wheels – Believes that no one should be denied their own pet. They make a difference one pet and one person at a time.

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CIA World Factbook – Provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities. Our Reference tab includes: maps of the major world regions, as well as Flags of the World, a Physical Map of the World, a Political Map of the World, a World Oceans map, and a Standard Time Zones of the World map.

Convert Me – Online weights and measurements conversion.

Currency Converter – Offers a great online tool. OANDA uses innovative computer and financial technology to provide Internet-based forex trading and currency information services to everyone, from individuals to large corporations, from portfolio managers to financial institutions.

Farmer’s Almanac –  A compendium of knowledge on weather, gardening, cooking, home remedies, managing your household, preserving the earth, and more. Anyone can give you advice — Farmers’ Almanac goes beyond today’s experts and enlightens you with generations of perception, experience, and common sense.

Interfaith Calendar (BBC) – All dates are shown using the Gregorian (Western) calendar. The calendar is accurate, but some dates may vary regionally because they are determined by the lunar calendar. Jewish festivals usually begin at sundown on the previous day.

My Virtual Reference Desk – In an attempt to “bring some semblance of order to the chaos of the Internet,” family therapist Bob Drudge has created what has been called a breathtaking “reference guide to all things Internet.”  Indeed, this site must be seen to appreciate its breadth of coverage of more than 20,000 links on subjects ranging from astronomy to zip codes.

The Phrase Finder – The meanings and origins of thousands of English sayings, phrases, idioms and expressions: Proverbs, American Phrases, Phrases coined by Shakespeare, Nautical phrases, and Phrases from the Bible.

Politifact – Every day, reporters and researchers from PolitiFact and its partner news organization examine statements by members of Congress, state legislators, governors, mayors, the president, cabinet secretaries, lobbyists, people who testify before Congress and anyone else who speaks up in American politics. We research their statements and then rate the accuracy on our Truth-O-Meter – True, Mostly True, Half True, Mostly False and False. – This site provides free directory service to find phone numbers (listed landlines only) and addresses of individuals and businesses.  It also offers reverse searches, i.e. use a phone number or address if you have only that information to retrieve the other details.

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Connecticut 2-1-1 – Your one-stop connection to the local services you need, from utility assistance, food, housing, child care, after school programs, elder care, crisis intervention and much more. Dial 2-1-1 or search online.

AARP – Some of the many tasks the AARP has taken on for people over 50 include ensuring the long-term solvency of Social Security, fighting age discrimination; prescription-drug coverage in Medicare and  patient protections in managed and long-term care.  Their web site is overflowing with information on these and other topics.

Administration for Community Living – The Federal advocate agency for older persons and their concerns, works to heighten awareness among other Federal agencies, organizations, and the public about the needs of older people.  ACL also seeks to educate older people about the services and benefits that are available to them.

Assisted Living Directory for Connecticut – This site is an informative and helpful resource for assisted living for seniors in the United States. It can be used to ask and answer assisted living questions, to rate and view ratings on licensed assisted living facilities, to educate consumers on the assisted living industry, and keep seniors aware of current events. The ultimate purpose of is to help seniors and their caretakers find the best senior living option for their needs.

Benefits Checkup – Seniors everywhere should take advantage of this tool created by the National Council on the Aging to find out if they are eligible for government programs that may help improve quality of life. The brief questionnaire is completely confidential – you won’t need to supply your name or social security number. Benefits Checkup will supply you with information on possible programs and application instructions.

Long Term Care Link – Issues surrounding long-term care are complicated and sometimes confusing, but Long Term Care Link is a good place to start. This web site is a rich source of long term care information that includes links, news, articles and editorials on long-term care insurance, nursing homes, Medicare, Medicaid, and much more.

Medicare – Information on Medicare, including comparisons of Medicare and Medigap plans.

Nursing Home Compare – The Medicare site includes a Nursing Home Compare tool that allows a search by geography, proximity, or name — and then compare (1) Quality Measures (2) Nursing Home Staffing, and (3) Inspection results for each nursing home. As you begin your search, you’ll find links to both a “Nursing Home Checklist” and state contacts. There is also a PDF document, “Guide to Choosing a Nursing Home” under the Resources tab.

Southwestern Connecticut Agency on Aging – The SWCAA is a non-profit corporation supporting seniors throughout Fairfield County.  In addition to serving as an advocate for seniors, this agency is a wonderful resource for information on such services as in-home and adult day care, transportation, senior centers, health insurance and housing.

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Massachusetts Library System Guide to Antiracism – This resource guide includes library resource guides, initiatives, resources, and links to national organizations.

The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture – Explore essential titles selected by the Schomburg Center as it marks 95 years of collecting and preserving Black history, arts, and culture.

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Bureau of Economic Statistics – Promotes a better understanding of the U.S. economy by providing the most timely, relevant, and accurate economic accounts data in an objective and cost-effective manner.

Bureau of Labor Statistics – The U.S. Department of Labor is the principal Federal agency responsible for measuring labor market activity, working conditions, and price changes in the economy. Its mission is to collect, analyze, and disseminate essential economic information to support public and private decision-making.

CensusScope – Created by the University of Michigan, CensusScope is a handy tool to examine the 2000 Census by using Charts and Trends, Maps, or Rankings. In each segment, easy-to-understand graphs present information right down to state and, often, metro area.

The CIA World Factbook – Provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities. Our Reference tab includes: maps of the major world regions, as well as Flags of the World, a Physical Map of the World, a Political Map of the World, a World Oceans map, and a Standard Time Zones of the World map. – The home of the U.S. Government’s open data. Here you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more.

FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data) – From the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the FRED database will provide you with historical U.S. financial and economic data, including a historical database of economic and financial statistics, exchange rates, interest rates, & consumer prices indexes.

State & County QuickFacts – This very helpful website from the U.S. Census Bureau now includes information from the 2000 census.  It’s a great place to get a snapshot of population, business or geographic statistics at the state or county level.  There are also links if you are looking for more detailed information.

Statistical Abstract of the United States – Published since 1878, is the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States.

Statistical Sites on the World Wide Web – This site from Fedstats has links to information and statistics from more than 70 agencies in the U.S. Federal government. You’ll also find links to International Statistics agencies.

U.S. Census Bureau – Log on to the official web site of the U.S. Census Bureau to access statistics on people, economic indicators, maps, and news. There is a wealth of social, demographic and economic data, and it is all freely accessible. Check out the American FactFinder, an interactive database for the latest Economic Census.

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Connecticut Veterans Affairs – Connecticut Veterans Affairs assists Connecticut’s Veterans, across the spectrum of need, to ensure each Veteran and eligible family member receives the benefits and services they earned.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) – The United States Department of Veterans Affairs is a federal agency that provides benefits, health care, and cemetery services to veterans, their families, and survivors.

Federal Veterans’ Employment and Training Service – To enable all veterans, service members, and military spouses to reach their full potential in the workplace.

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) – Since its founding in 1899, the VFW has enacted many programs and services geared to meet the current needs of America’s service members, veterans and military families, as well to meet community needs worldwide. VA claims assistance, legislative advocacy, troop support programs, youth activities, community service and scholarship are a few of the ways we work to give back to those who’ve given so much for all of us.

Disabled American Veterans (DAV) – There are nearly 20 million veterans in the U.S. Each one has been affected by their service. DAV helps veterans of every generation address their challenges and achieve personal victories, great and small, to better thrive in civilian life.

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BALLOTPEDIA – BALLOTPEDIA is the digital encyclopedia of American politics and elections. Resources include accurate and objective information about politics at all levels of government. BALLOTPEDIA is firmly committed to neutrality in their content. They offer information if you are considering a run for office, how to vote in an election, and the latest political news and analysis from a reliable, nonpartisan source.

Can I Vote – This nonpartisan website was created by state election officials to help eligible voters figure out how and where to go vote.

Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE) –  CIRCLE is a non-partisan, independent research organization focused on youth civic engagement in the United States. We conduct extensive research on youth participation, and we leverage that research to improve opportunities for all young people to acquire and use the skills and knowledge they need to meaningfully participate in civic life. In all of our work, we are especially concerned with understanding, addressing, and ultimately eliminating the systemic barriers that keep some young people marginalized from and underrepresented in civic life.

CT.GOV: Elections and Voting – Find voter information, election statistics, candidate information, etc.

Department of Justice: Civil Rights: Voting Section – Find statutes, cases, policy and guidance, and history related to voting rights from the U.S. Department of Justice.

Fair Elections Center – Fair Elections Center is a national, nonpartisan voting rights and election reform 501(c)(3) organization based in Washington, D.C. Our mission is to use litigation and advocacy to remove barriers to registration and voting, particularly those disenfranchising underrepresented and marginalized communities, and to improve election administration.

Federal Elections Commission – Research current and historical campaign finance data for both individual candidates and political action committees (PACs).

Federal Voting Assistance Program – Guidance and resources for military and overseas voters will be voting absentee.

League of Women Voters of Fairfield – encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

Library of Congress: U.S. Election Statistics – Resources for locating election statistics at the federal, congressional, and state levels.

National Homeless Coalition – A national network promoting voting access for low-income persons and person experiencing homelessness.

Native Vote – A nonpartisan organization working to promote voter education, registration, and protection for Native communities. – Nonpartisan, independent and nonprofit, the Center for Responsive Politics is the nation’s premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. Supplies access to clear and unbiased information about money’s role in politics and policy.

Rock the Vote – A nonpartisan organization working to promote voter education, registration, and protection for Native communities. Rock the Vote is a nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to building the political power of young people.
For 30 years, Rock the Vote has revolutionized the way we use pop culture, music, art, and technology to engage young people in politics and build our collective power.

Town of Fairfield Office of the Registrars of Voters – Find polling locations, register to vote, information on absentee ballots, etc.

U.S. Election Assistance Commission – Locate resources related to HAVA (Help America Vote Act) and guidance for voters with disabilities.

U.S.A.GOV – Find answers to common questions about voting in the United States on this official government portal.

VOTE.GOV – The federal government’s official voter registration portal with links to state by state voter registration data.

VOTE411 – Personalized Voting Information including: What’s on your ballot, check your voter registration, find your polling place, discover upcoming debates in your area.

VoteRiders – VoteRiders offers free assistance for any eligible voter who encounters barriers to securing their ID to vote, including financial and legal help to obtain underlying documents like birth certificates, change-of-name documentation, etc.

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