Title: The Forgetting Time
Author: Sharon Guskin
Publisher: Flatiron Books, February 2016
Summary/Review: A gripping and dramatic novel about holding on to – and letting go of – memories. Janie is doing her best to raise her son Noah as a single mom, but there are some mysterious things about him that make it so difficult. Their paths will cross with Jerome Anderson, a psychology professor who is struggling with a medical diagnosis that signifies the end of his career and, ultimately, his life. As they try to help each other, they are never quite sure if they are doing more harm than good. Sharon Guskin’s debut is both powerful and thought-provoking.
Who will like this?: Someone who loves inter-connecting stories.
If you like this, try this: If you liked the author’s writing, this is a debut – but be on the lookout for more to come! If you’re interested in a similar subject, try Kate Atkinson’s “Life After Life” or, for a spookier take, SJ Watson’s “Before I Go to Sleep”.
Recommended by: Mary C, Reference Librarian
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