Title: Salt, Sugar, Fat
Author: Michael Moss.
Publisher: Random House, 2013
Summary/Review: The most striking aspect of this brilliant investigative book is the seeming ease with which household name food manufacturing and marketing corporations manipulate the public into purchasing and consuming more and more foods which offer less and less nutritive value. The author has gained access to food corporate scientists, business men, and advertising agencies who pull no punches explaining exactly how they hook us from the very earliest ages to crave that which we have been told is actually no good for us: Salt, Sugar, and Fat. These ingredients, which are less expensive and easier to use in the manufacturing process than whole natural nutritive ingredients, are the corner stones of many commonly purchased and consumed brand name foods. Specific brand names are given and you will be surprised how much sugar, salt or fat is in your favorite! There is also extensive discussion of how easily we can all avoid enriching the peddlers of salt, sugar, and fat by simply spending a half hour a day thinking about what we are eating and preparing it ourselves.
Who will like this book?: Anyone who wants to know more about how companies market food to consumers. Someone looking to become more aware about what they put in their bodies.
If you like this, try this: This is Michael Moss’ first book, but since he’s an investigative reports for the NYT I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes out with another. If you’re interested in the social commentary, try Malcolm Gladwell – who also writes non-fiction in such an interesting way you won’t feel bogged down with facts (ex: Blink, What the dog saw). If you’re interested in making a life change, try “Four Fish” by Paul Greenberg (featured on our blog). The “good food” revolution is still going strong, so there are plenty of titles to choose from if your focus is just healthier living.
Recommended by: Mark Z, guest reviewer
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