Title: Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone
Author: Rajiv Chandrasekaran
Summary: A shocking account of life in Baghdad’s Green Zone, a walled-off enclave of posh villas and sparkling swimming pools that was the headquarters for the American occupation of Iraq. This bubble, cut off from wartime realities had a half-dozen bars stocked with cold beer, a movie theater that screened shoot-em-up films, an all you could eat buffet piled high with pork and a parking lot filled with shiny new SUVs – much of it run by Halliburton. Most Iraqis were barred from entering the Emerald City for fear they would blow it up.
A startling portrait of an Oz-like place.
Who will like this book?: All interested in American foreign policy.
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Recommended by: Cliff, Reference Librarian.