Title: The Hedge Knight
Author/Illustrators: George R.R. Martin, Ben Avery and Mike S. Miller
Summary: While you are waiting (and waiting…and waiting) for the next installment of George R.R. Martin’s epic A Song of Ice and Fire, The Winds of Winter, enjoy this graphic novel of the first Dunk and Egg story. Set in Westeros about 100 years before the action in A Game of Thrones, these stories focus on Duncan the Tall, an unknown hedge knight looking for tournament glory but more importantly, a roof over his head, and his squire Egg, who has a surprising background. These stories, which have been published in fantasy compilations over the years, are now here as slim, well-designed graphic novels. These stories are essential for fans, particularly those interested about life under Targaryen rule. Eagle-eyed readers will also discover some revealing details that may change the way they view the characters from the main novel series.
Who will like this book: Rabid ASOIAF fans looking for more insight into the history of Westeros. Readers who like stories about knights and combat.
If you like this, read this: The next installment of the Dunk and Egg series, The Sworn Sword. The Princess and the Queen, or The Blacks and the Greens, a short story featuring more Targaryens (and dragon battles!), found in the collection Dangerous Women.
Recommended by: Nicole, Teen Librarian
If you would like to read this book, visit the Fairfield Public Library catalog to see if it’s available and/or place a hold!