Title: Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall
Author: Bill Willingham and various illustrators
Summary: Fables is a long-running comics series that tells the story of Fabletown and its residents – familiar and beloved fairy tale characters who have been chased out of their legendary worlds by an evil Adversary, and who now live in contemporary New York City. This is a prequel of sorts – describing the backstories of Fables characters.
Snow White seeks assistance from the Arabian fables who have not yet battled the Adversary. When she is informed that she will be killed by the Sultan in the morning, she becomes a sort of Scheherazade – spinning tales each night to save her life and gain the Sultan’s trust. It is these late night stories that make up the bulk of this unforgettable graphic novel. Here we learn the truth about the seven dwarves, what made the wolf so big and bad, and the tragic story of the frog prince after his supposed happily ever after.
This is an adult story with distinctly mature themes. They are not merely fractured fairy tales – 1001 Nights of Snowfall will haunt you long after this beautifully drawn graphic novel ends.
Who will like this book? Fans of fantasy and alternative fairy tales
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Recommended by: Nicole, Teen Librarian