Title: Unwind
Author: Neal Shusterman
Summary: The Second Civil War is over. The Pro-Choice and Pro-Life armies finally came to an agreement. All children are safe until age 13. Then, until age 18 their parents have a choice. They can unwind their children; take apart their bodies and use 100% of their parts as transplants to aid other living humans, so the children never truly die. This twisted dystopia chills you to the bone, the circumstances far too realistic, and the world’s reaction way too real. Unwind by Neal Shusterman leaves you with the chilling question, what if?
The novel follows Connor Lassiner, a problem child with an unwind warrant signed who is desperate to survive. Risa Ward, a girl who is unwound as a budget cut, who has the smarts to escape her fate. And Lev Calder, a boy born to be unwound, who is in love with his fate and will do anything to complete the deed. These three unlikely allies create a tentative alliance, and have to go to drastic measures to survive, as the world goes more and more insane around them.
This novel leaves you with so many questions, and an impossible moral debate. Luckily there’s more in this incredible series, but the chilling realism of this book stays with you long after turning the final page. Everyone should read this novel, if as nothing else a warning of the future. You may say that there’s no chance that we can ever do something like this, but read on and look to today and how we’re already tumbling towards it. This book stays with you forever, and this series should be a classic, and is a must read for all, teen or adult.
If you like this, try reading: Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Divergent by Veronica Roth, I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore
Reviewer Rating: 5/5 Stars
Where can I find a copy?: Paper copy available at Fairfield Public Library and Fairfield Woods Branch Library, Digital copy downloadable from Overdrive through Fairfield Public Library, and audio copy downloadable from RBdigital through Fairfield Public Library.
Recommended by-Josie, a teen reader