Title: Hero
Author: Perry Moore
Summary: Who is Thom Creed? A high school star basketball player who keeps his distance from his teammates; son of a disgraced former superhero and a mother who abandoned him years ago; a teenager coming to grips with his sexual orientation; or a soon-to-be hero with developing superpowers? He’s all of these and more.
And, as if Thom’s life isn’t complicated enough he will soon find himself thrown onto a team with misfit superheros including a chain-smoking senior citizen with the power to see the future, an angry girl who can set things on fire with her mind, Typhoid Larry (the name pretty much says it all, his power is making people sick), and a cranky demoted superhero. As individual superheros they may be laughable, but put them together and they become a team that just might be able to save the world.
Who will like this book: How to describe who will like this book? Hmm…If you like humorous stories that feature superheroes, adventure, love, and friendship (while confronting homophobia and evil villains) this is the book for you. Basically, this is a great book for mature readers who can appreciate a non-traditional hero in a comic book-type story.
If you like this, try this: Geography Club by Brent Hartinger, My Most Excellent Year by Steve Kluger.
Recommended by: Jen, Fairfield Woods Teen Librarian