The Missing Girl


Title: The Missing Girl

Author: Norma Fox Mazer

Summary: The man watches the five sister- Beauty, Mim, Stevie, Fancy and Autumn- with an eerie fascination.  In fact, fantasies about them occupy his every thought.  Yet, the girls don’t even know him.  Instead, they go about their own lives distracted by a depressing home life never realizing the danger that threatens their world. Chapters alternate telling the story from the viewpoint of the different sisters and their stalker. 

Who will like this book:  People who like stories told in first-person.  Fans of thrillers will enjoy getting into the minds of the predator and his prey. 

If you like this, try this:  Gail Giles books such as Shattering Glass, Right Behind You, and What Happened to Cass McBride?

Recommended by: Jennifer, Branch Teen Librarian