Title: The Trap Author: John Smelcer Summary: Albert Least-Weasel has been running his trap line for decades. But even a seasoned Native Alaskan knows that…
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Marcelo in the Real World
Title: Marcelo in the Real World Author: Francisco X. Stork Summary: Marcelo is different – he is not very good at interacting with new people…
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Title: Jumped Author: Rita Williams-Garcia Summary: When should you speak up? Trina, a pretty girl who is pretty self-absorbed, cuts through Dominique’s space in the…
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Title: Whale Talk Author: Chris Crutcher Summary: Chris Crutcher is one of those unique writers who manages to get his work challenged almost as often as he…
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Title: Zen and the Art of Faking It Author: Jordan Sonnenblick Summary: Because his dad was a con man (now in prison), San has spent…
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Title: Child of Dandelions Author: Shenaaz Nanji Summary: This fascinating book is based on true events. It is 1972. Sabine and her family live in Uganda,…
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Title: The Lion Hunter: Mark of Solomon Part One Author: Elizabeth E. Wein Summary: Telemakos, a young prince of Aksum, Africa (and grandson to King…
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Title: After Tupac and D Foster Author: Jacqueline Woodson Summary: The events of this book take place between 1994 and 1996 – when Tupac Shakur…
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