Title: The Cartoon History of the Modern World
Author: Larry Gonick
Summary: Starting with the voyage of Christopher Columbus to the current war in Iraq, this two-part graphic series tells the story of the personalities, movements, and catastrophes that make up Modern history. You might think you have a good grasp on the big picture – The Age of Exploration, The Renaissance and Reformation, The Industrial Revolution, Imperialism, etc, but author/illustrator Gonick has a special knack for highlighting the important connections between people and events that are lesser-known, even to acknowledged history buffs.
Irreverant and sometimes laugh-out-loud funny, Gonick will show you history in a whole new light. Read this book (pay special attention to the info-packed, literal ‘foot notes’ found on many pages) and impress your teachers!
Who will like this book? This is a great choice for older teens with an interest in American or European history. Readers who likes to get ‘the story behind the history.’
If you like this, try this: A Young People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn (adapted by Rebecca Stefoff.) Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen.
Recommended by: Nicole, Teen Librarian