This thrilling novel follows the life of Brynn after she left her school due to the murder of her favorite teacher. Four years after Brynn left Saint Ambrose, she moved back home to intern at a true-crime show. The murder inspired her new found career path. Now, she is determined to find out what really happened to her teacher. Bryn reconnects with old classmates to do so. The eerie and mysterious tone of Nothing More to Tell makes it a real page turner. Brynn shows what it is like to be driven by true passion and uncertainty. There are times in one’s life where something just seems to consume them fully. Instead of trying to push this obsession aside, Brynn shows readers what it is like to put passion and obsession to good use. Brynn is smart and crafty in the novel, and does a good job at leaving nothing uncovered. She eventually realizes that the murderer might be closer than she thinks. She does everything she can to reel them in and eventually, she gets them right where she needs them. Brynn may have left school and started working but her obsession and passion never left her.
Review by Caroline, Teen Reviewer