Now a critically acclaimed TV-show on Netflix, the graphic novel series Heartstopper (Volumes 1-4) by Alice Oseman follows the journey of Charlie Spring and Nick Nelson, navigating the world of young love, bullying, school, and friendship. Heartstopper is an uplifting and sweet LGBTQ+ love story, with equally as adorable and lovable side characters in Tara & Darcy, and Charlie’s friends Aled, Tao, and Elle. Oseman brilliantly captures the anxieties and joys that come with high school life and does not shy away from illustrating the very real issues surrounding mental health and homophobia. The enticing dynamics and conflicts Oseman crafts kept me reading each volume. Read the Heartstopper series and fall in love simultaneously with this charming coming-of age-romance!
By Teen Reviewer, Sophia