From the eye-catching scenes of comets battering the earth to the excellent acting, the movie Greenland is an action/thriller movie that contains brilliant CGI and visual effects and is based on a scenario that scientists believe isn’t all that far fetched.
The movie stars well-known actor Gerard Butler as the main character John Garrity who embarks on a dangerous mission to try and get his estranged wife, Allison Garrity (Morena Baccarin), and their diabetic son, Nathan Garrity (Roger Dale Floyd), to safety from the planet-killing comet. As reports come in that fragments of the comet have leveled entire cities, his family and he experience the good, the bad, and the ugly of humanity as they try to reach the rumored safe haven in Greenland.
The movie skillfully utilizes the fact that their son is diabetic to further the story, with the family even being separated from one another because of their son being diabetic. Furthermore, they do a good job of showing how good and evil are revealed during times of crisis, by having the family have to be reliant on the actions of others many times in the movie. Although the movie does many things well there are still some confusing and questionable decisions. One example of this is how the scientists messed up the tracking of the first fragment to hit the earth. If this was a real-life scenario this wouldn’t have occurred as scientists would have to confirm the trajectory to make sure it was in a non-civilian area, however, in the story, they completely misidentified the landing location and offer no reasoning as to how the error occurred.
Overall, this movie has more positive things than negative as well as a brilliant use of CGI to enhance the viewing experience. Overall, I would recommend this movie to those who enjoy survival and natural disaster movies as this movie easily fits into those two genres.
Review by Aditya