“The Upside of the Unrequited” by Becky Albertalli is a heartwarming story that follows seventeen year old, crush prone Molly. She has landed 27 different boys to crush on, but has never had a boyfriend mainly due to her insecurities over her weight. Molly continues to fantasize about what it feels like to be in a relationship when she comes across Reid at her new summer job, also known as crush number 28. Might this finally be a boy that Molly opens up to and allows herself to love? In the midst of Molly discovering her beauty and a boyfriend, her twin sister falls in love for the first time, and her mom gets married due to gay marriage being legalized. Leaving her to feel like the last single person on earth. As Molly learns goes through the journey of becoming a young adult she learns that putting her happiness above her insecurities is the most important thing she could do. “The Upside of the Unrequited ” is an inspiring coming of age story that teaches it’s readers the reality of relationships and how they can affect every aspect of your life.
by YA Reviewer, Amy