We had to cancel our annual spring Diorama contest, but we couldn’t go a full year without our PEEPS! This year we’ve had to change things up a bit, but your creativity is still the star of this program.
Here’s what this year’s contest will look like:
1) Register for contest. https://fplct.librarymarket.com/events/virtual-peeps-dioramas-contest-3
2) Receive email notification on when to pick up your materials curbside at the library. You may use any of the materials we provide and supplement with your home crafting supplies. You MAY NOT use pre-made doll house type items.
3) Decide if you want to work as a team-participants can (and are even encouraged to) work with family or friends. Please note- Only one member of the team should register.
4) Work on your diorama any time between 7/13 and 7/17 @ 3pm.
5) Send a picture of your diorama to the teen librarian @ jlaseman@fplct.org by 7/17 @ 3pm. We will meet via Zoom on that date to share our dioramas. This will be the only date we meet virtually.
6) Images of the dioramas will be posted to library social media for voting the following week.
7) Prizes will be awarded for Patron Favorite, Staff Favorite, Best Effort, and Most Creative