Title: I am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I want to be your Class President
Author: Josh Lieb
Summary: Can you imagine what it must be like to be the third richest person in the world? Oliver Watson owns land in all fifty states and most of the capitalist countries in the world. He owns investment banks, baseball teams, mines, plantations, a movie studio, two television networks, and three newspaper syndicates. He is powerful enough to instigate the overthrow of a dictator of an African nation for personal reasons having nothing to do with setting the world right.
Oliver Watson is exactly what the title of this book states – an evil genius – he is also a seventh grade middle school student. He has used his intelligence to create a fortune. He’s also used that same intelligence and fortune to rig his middle school up to cater to his every desire from a secret root beer dispensing button on the water fountain and a heated bus seat to the development of a secret chemical, Lazopril. When released on a person Lazopril saps all hostility from them and gives them sudden intense flatulence. Oliver even has three secret bodyguards within the school, so secret, in fact, that even Oliver isn’t sure of their exact identities.
You may wonder the reason behind the necessity of Lazopril and bodyguards. Why would anyone tease or bully the biggest evil genius in the world? That question is best answered by looking to Oliver’s assumed alter ego, the dumbest kid in the whole school. Oliver’s act is so perfect that it is going to take some work to get him elected as the 8th grade class president. Why does the greatest evil genius in the world want to be class president? For that answer you will have to read the book.
Who will like this?: Anyone who has a bit of a wicked sense of humor and those who are ready to graduate from the Diary of the Wimpy Kid series. Oliver has the same air of superiority coupled with a dose of condescension for his peers, but unlike Greg Heffley. Oliver actually has the brains to back it up.
If you like this, try this: Evil Genius series by Catherine Jinks, N.E.R.D.S.: National Espionage, Rescue, and Defense Society series by Michael Buckley, and H.I.V.E. : Higher Institute of Villainous Education series by Mark Walden
Recommended by: Jen, Fairfield Woods Branch Teen Librarian