Title: Pretty Good for a Girl: The Autobiography of a Snowboarding Pioneer
Author: Tina Basich and Kathleen Gasperini
Summary: Tina Basich, gold medal winner of the X Games Big Air Snowboarding event and various other competitions, tells the story of her life starting with a rather eccentric upbringing that even found her living with her family in a tepee for a short time. Rarely does one get a first hand account of the start of a new sport, particularly from a female perspective. Basich’s recount of her life-to-date is entertaining and honest.
Who will like this book: Those who appreciate stories of rebel/pioneers who rise to the top. Fans of non-traditional sports. Those looking for strong women role models in the world of sports.
If you like this, try this: Let Me Play: The Story of Title IX, the law that changed the future of girls in America by Karen Blumenthal; The Girls of Summer: The U.S. Women’s Soccer Team and How It Changed the World by Jere Longman; and The Mutt: How to Skateboard and Not Kill Yourselfby Rodney Mullen and Sean Morimer
Recommended by: Jennifer, Branch Teen Librarian