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Soldier Girls
  Title: Soldier Girls Author: Helen Thorpe Publisher: Scribner, August 2014 Summary/Review: A thoroughly touching look at the circumstances and lives of three women in Indiana who, for various reasons, have enlisted in the National Guard. A common thread is an attempt to utilize...

Island Beneath the Sea
Title: Island Beneath the Sea Author:  Isabel Allende Publisher: Harper, April 2010 Summary: Island Beneath the Sea follows a young woman named Zarité thrown into slavery in 18th century Haiti. Known by most as Tété, she is chosen to become housekeeper for Toulouse Valmorain, an unpredictable...

Title: Amandine Author:  Marlena de Blasi Publisher: Random House, May 2010 Summary: Amandine is the first novel written by Marlena de Blasi, an author known for her memoir writing. The story is captivating and the author’s writing is simply beautiful, filled with sense details and...

The Hummingbird’s Daughter
Title: The Hummingbird’s Daughter Author:  Luis Alberto Urrea Publisher: Little, Brown, May 2005 Summary: Set in the late 1800’s- early 1900’s, the book follows Teresita, a young girl in Mexico who has been abandoned by her poverty-stricken farm hand mother and given to her abusive aunt...

The Evolution of Shadows
Title: The Evolution of Shadows Author:  Jason Quinn Malott Publisher: Unbridled Books, October 2009 Summary:  After having his heart-broken, American photographer Gray Banick travels to Bosnia and into a war zone. Gray’s interpreter Emil, and his mentor Jack, often question Gray about the girl in the...

The White Mary
Title: The White Mary Author: Kira Salak Summary: After all the buzz about this book I thought I would have liked it much more than I did. The writing was very good and the descriptions of the jungle travel are very vivid, but the story...