Tag: sisters
I’ll Give You the Sun
Title: I’ll Give You the Sun Author: Jandy Nelson Summary: Vibrant, outgoing Jude and shy, artistic Noah are twins. They may not be identical, but they have been together forever. Despite petty jealousies over their parents’ affection, their mother’s ambition for both of them to attend a prestigious...
Mimi Malloy, At Last
Title: Mimi Malloy, At Last Author: Julia MacDonnell Publisher: Picador, April 2014 Summary/Review: Mimi Malloy, divorced and newly retired is settling into the twilight of her life. Her sisters and six daughters are ever present in her life and believe that her memory may...
Twisted Sisters
Title: Twisted Sisters Author: Jen Lancaster Publisher: Penguin Group, 2014 Summary/Review: If you are looking for a light, whimsical read that pokes fun at today’s celebrities, while tapping into some New Age methods for getting into someone’s head, look no further than this ultimate...
Garden Spells and The Lace Reader
Titles: Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen and The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry Summary: It was sheer coincidence that I read these two novels back to back, so I thought it would be nice to review them together. The two stories have a...
The Memory of Water
Title: The Memory of Water Author: Karen White Summary: The Memory of Water is a story of family bonds that bend but never break. Marnie Maitland and her sister Diana have not seen each other in 10 years. Not since Marnie went off to college...