Tag: Natural Disasters
The Language of Trees
Title: The Language of Trees Author: Ilie Ruby Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers, July 2010 Summary: Ilie Ruby’s debut novel opens with a canoeing accident in the waters of the Canandaigua Lake. The three small Ellis children have stolen a canoe and are making their way out...
One Amazing Thing
Title: One Amazing Thing Author: Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni Publisher: Unbridled Books, October 2009 Summary: There are nine strangers in an Indian visa and passport office who are thrown together when an earthquake hits and leaves them trapped under the rubble. As time passes and there is...
Title: Zeitoun Author: Dave Eggers Publisher: McSweeney’s, August 2009 Summary: In his National Book Critic’s Circle-nominated book What is the What, Dave Eggers deftly told the true story of a Sudanese boy-soldier and refugee as a ‘fictional’ narrative. In his latest, Eggers does the same for the...
The Survivor’s Club
Title: The Survivor’s Club: The Secrets and Science That Could Save Your Life Author: Ben Sherwood Publisher: Grand Central Publishing, January 2009 Summary: Ben Sherwood, a fiction author (The Man Who Ate the 747) hits a home run with this piece of general non-fiction....