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Days of Anna Madrigal
Title: The Days of Anna Madrigal Author: Armistead Maupin Publisher: Harper, January 2014 Summary/Review: In January 2014, Armistead Maupin published the ninth and final book in his glorious Tales of the City series. Maupin began writing Tales as a newspaper column in San Francisco...

The Kids Are All Right
Title: The Kids are All Right: A Memoir Authors: Diana, Liz, Dan and Amanda Welch Publisher: Harmony, September 2009 Summary: In 1983, the four Welch children lose their beloved father in a tragic car accident, and within months their still-grieving, soap opera-star mother is diagnosed with...

The Book of Joe
Title: The Book of Joe Author:  Jonathan Tropper Summary:   Who says you can’t go home again? In “The Book of Joe”, Joe Goffman does just that. Joe returns to his hometown of Bush Falls, CT to see his father who has suffered a serious...