Tag: Cults
Delicious Foods
Title: Delicious Foods Author: James Hannaham Publisher: Little Brown & Company, March 2015 Summary/Review: The story begins with Eddie, who has recently escaped a mysterious company called Delicious Foods. His mother, Darlene, is still working there. Eddie has no hands, he’s estranged from his...
Ice Cold
Title: Ice Cold Author: Tess Gerritsen Publisher: Random House, June 2010 Summary: Ice Cold is Tess Gerritsen’s newest novel featuring medical examiner Dr. Maura Isles and her friend, FBI agent Jane Rizzoli. While on a ski trip, Maura and her friends become stranded in Wyoming. There...
Title: Escape Author:Carolyn Jessop Summary: When Carolyn was 18, she married Merril Jessop. She was his fourth wife. Fifteen years later, she took her eight children and fled, becoming the first woman to successfully win a custody case against a polygamist husband. In this...