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The Vagrants
Title: The Vagrants Author:  Yiyun Li Publisher: Random House, February 2009 Summary: The Vagrants takes place in the town of Muddy River in China during the late 1970s. The focus of the story is the execution of Gu Shan as a counterrevolutionary and the...

Valeria’s Last Stand
Title: Valeria’s Last Stand Author:  Marc Fitten Publisher: Bloomsbury USA, April 2009 Summary: This is a lighthearted love story featuring an unexpected romantic couple. Valeria is a 68 year old spinster living in the quaint Hungarian town of Zivatar. Valeria endured heartbreak as  a young...

When Skateboards Will Be Free
Title: When Skateboards Will Be Free: A Memoir of a Political Childhood Author: Said Sayrafiezadeh Summary: In his debut memoir, Sayrafiezadeh describes his childhood in the Socialist Workers Party. Even after her husband leaves her to foment revolution in his native Iran, Said’s mom,...