Category: Latin American Literature
Swift as Desire
Title: Swift as Desire Author: Laura Esquivel Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, August 2002 Summary: Swift as Desire focuses on Lluvia, a middle aged mother desperately trying to replay her entire life in order to understand her parents’ mutual anger for one another. Júbilo, her...
Island Beneath the Sea
Title: Island Beneath the Sea Author: Isabel Allende Publisher: Harper, April 2010 Summary: Island Beneath the Sea follows a young woman named Zarité thrown into slavery in 18th century Haiti. Known by most as Tété, she is chosen to become housekeeper for Toulouse Valmorain, an unpredictable...
The Hummingbird’s Daughter
Title: The Hummingbird’s Daughter Author: Luis Alberto Urrea Publisher: Little, Brown, May 2005 Summary: Set in the late 1800’s- early 1900’s, the book follows Teresita, a young girl in Mexico who has been abandoned by her poverty-stricken farm hand mother and given to her abusive aunt...