Category: Graphic Novels
The Hedge Knight
Title: The Hedge Knight Author/Illustrators: George R.R. Martin, Ben Avery and Mike S. Miller Summary: While you are waiting (and waiting…and waiting) for the next installment of George R.R. Martin’s epic A Song of Ice and Fire, The Winds of Winter, enjoy this graphic novel...
Title: Logicomix: An Epic Search for Truth Author: Apostolos Doxiadis and Christos Papademitriou Publisher: Bloomsbury, September 2009 Summary: Bertrand Russell, mathematician, philosopher, pacifist and lightning rod, was one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century. This ambitious graphic biography focuses equally on his turbulent personal life and...
Title: Stitches Author: David Small Summary: David Small grew up in a cold house, with distant, nearly silent parents. He was born sickly – and as was par for the course at that time, his radiologist father gave him plenty of x-ray treatments to strengthen...
The Lindbergh Child
Title: A Treasury of XXth Century Murder: The Lindbergh Child Author/Illustrator:Rick Geary Publisher: Comics Lit, February 2009 Summary: After his transatlantic flight, Charles Lindbergh became an international hero, icon, and to his chagrin, celebrity. In the early ’30s, he and his wife moved to...
Nat Turner
Title: Nat Turner Author: Kyle Baker Publisher: Abrams, June 2008 Summary: This stunning graphic novel tells the story of the deadly slave rebellion led by the infamous Nat Turner in 1830s Virginia. Author/Illustrator Kyle Baker uses the text of Turner’s actual confession to illuminate the...
Burma Chronicles
Title: Burma Chronicles Author: Guy Delisle Publisher: Drawn and Quarterly, September 2008 Summary: Because his wife works for MSF (Doctors without Borders), French-Canadian cartoonist Guy Delisle often finds himself living in countries that, for most of us, are shrouded in mystery. This graphic travelogue recounts the year...
Title: Watchmen Author: Alan Moore Illustrator: Dave Gibbons Publisher: DC Comics, April 1995 Summary: After a summer of blockbuster movies, you might just be sick of superheroes. But soon (pending some legal wrangling) the greatest graphic novel ever is coming to the big screen: Watchmen,...
Batman: The Long Halloween
Title: Batman: The Long Halloween Author: Jeph Loeb Illustrator: Tim Sale Summary: I reread this fantastic graphic novel before I saw The Dark Knight. While the plot lines aren’t exactly the same, both the movie and the book share a similar film-noir feel and focus on the same three...
A People’s History of American Empire
Title: A People’s History of American Empire: A Graphic Adaptation Author: Howard Zinn, with Paul Buhle, and illustrations by Mike Konopacki Summary: It is hard to believe that the groundbreaking A People’s History of the United States is almost 30 years old! Historian Howard Zinn’s classic ‘history from the...
Title: Shortcomings Author: Adrian Tomine Summary: Once you meet him, you will never forget Ben Tanaka, a cranky, sarcastic Gen-X slacker and anti-hero of Adrian Tomine’s daring graphic novel. We follow Ben across the country from the Bay Area to New York City, through his relationship with the ambitious...