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Closed on Monday, November 11, 2024 for Veterans Day.

How Do I...

The Anthropocene Review by John Green


  This past week I read (and loved) John Green’s newest book “The Anthropocene Review”. You may have read some of his YA classic hits “paper towns” or “the fault in our stars”. However, in his newest book, green is entering the space for adult readers. Throughout his career Green has been asked if he shared the same views as his protagonists or even if they were modeled after himself. This time, green IS the main character. Green writes from his own perspective about all things human. He covers all aspects of the human experience and modern pop culture. He rates each thing the reviews on the five star scale covering topics from his opinion on sunsets to the Penguin of Madagascar movie.  This book was an engaging yet easy read. Perfect for a day at the beach or a rainy day. 

by Teen Reviewer, Josephine