Title: Magruder’s Curiosity Cabinet
Author: H.P Wood
Publisher: Sourcebooks, June 2016
Summary/Review: Ah, turn of the century Coney Island. The sun, the surf, and its newest amusement park Dreamland. Yes, it’s all fun and games until someone dies from the plague. Who better to blame for this scourge than the misfits who work and live along the Boardwalk? Soon it will become a classic battle between “the haves” and “the have nots”, fueled by prejudice and fear of the unknown.
The wonderful, fully developed characters are what make this novel the gem that it is. A story that is atmospheric and reminiscent of a bygone era before wonderment gave way to cynicism and people could still believe in magic.
Who will like this book?: Someone interested in historical fiction that focuses on the gritty atmosphere of old-time Coney Island. Someone looking for a book that’s character-driven but dark.
If you like this, try this: This is a debut novel from the author, so if you liked the writing you may have to wait a while until another book is released! If you liked the Coney Island setting, Alice Hoffman’s “Museum of Extraordinary Things” and Kevin Baker’s “Dreamland” both incorporate the location.
Recommended by: Sue B, Circulation Coordinator
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