Title: The Girls from Ames: A story of Women and a Forty-Year Friendship
Author: Jeffrey Zaslow
Publisher: Gotham, April 2009
Summary: How does a group of ten women manage to stay friends for 40 years? With a lot of hard work! After reading their story, it is one of the things that I found I admired most about these women – their conscious decision to keep the group together no matter what life throws at them, and believe me, it’s thrown plenty. They admit that they are more in touch with each other now than they have been over the years thanks to email. But even before that, through annual reunions and a determined effort to be present at each other’s milestone events whenever possible, all of them do their best to stay a part of the group because it is that important to them.
Jeffrey Zaslow, a columnist from The Wall Street Journal, spent 4 days with them during one of their recent reunions. Karla, Kelly, Marilyn, Jane, Jenny, Karen, Cathy, Angela, Sally, and Diana all share stories about what it was like to grow up in Ames, Iowa in the 1960’s and 1970’s, and what it was like to be a member of this tight circle. The circle is not completely intact because, sadly, the eleventh member of the group, Sheila, died when she was in her early twenties. But she’s definitely with them in spirit; the group has created a scholarship to Ames High in her memory. We learn about her death and what it did to the girls individually and as a whole. There are many sad stories to be shared, but also stories of great joy. When anything of any importance happens in one of their lives, they go to each other first to share the experience, whether painful or joyful. It was fascinating to read how they support each other.
Although I can’t help but wonder how the writing of the book would have fared in the hands of a writer with a less “reporter-like” voice, I believe the story of these women carries the book along and makes it a very worthwhile read.
Recommended by: Mary, Branch Reference